A tool to help you navigate through your source code
Technologies used: NodeJS, Yargs, OpenAI Apis
A Tool I have made to use LLMs to aid in my Job Search
Technologies used: NodeJS, ExpressJS, Typescript, React, Swagger, Docker, AWS, OpenAI Apis, NextJS
A Command line utility create OpenAI assistants and do stuffs with them
Technologies used: Go Language, Go CLI, Git, Cobra CLI, OpenAI Apis, ChatGPT Apis
Git Config Provider
A Command line utility to add configuration based on chosen git remote,
Technologies used: Go Language, Go CLI, Git, Cobra CLI
My Own solution of Jon Calhoun's Gophercies
Technologies used: Go Language, Go Cources, Git, Go Modules, Go Databases
Notes for AWS Solution Architects
My notes to AWS SAA C002 Cource
Technologies used: NodeJS, Markdown, Github Actions, AWS, S3, Route 53, CloudFront
AWS Demo
Introductory notes about AWS with Demo
Technologies used: AWS, Markdown, NodeJS
FCM Utils
A Server side utility to send FCM Messages
Technologies used: Firebase Cloud Messaging, Vue JS
Players And Maps
A Small utility to randomising players and maps, used during break time gaming sessions
Technologies used: Angular JS, Firebase Hosting
Download File with progress indicator, written in Kotlin with Co-routines
Technologies used: Kotlin
Glide DSL
A Kotlin DSL to be used with Glide
Technologies used: Kotlin
Deploy script for all variants
A Gradle deploy script which copies release APKs for all variants in given directories
Technologies used: Gradle
Cursor Delegate
A Kotlin class that reads sqlite cursor by using delegates
Technologies used: Kotlin
Extract Zip in kotlin
Extract Zip files in kotlin... Works as Extract here function
Technologies used: Kotlin
Room Upgrade Helper
A Gradle plugin to help you finding out right queries when you upgrade your room schemas.
Technologies used: Gradle, Kotlin